Physically Present, Mentally NOT ...:(
under any Date Tree u can hav ur dinner along with some...
Svelte this is the month of October not APRIL - to make...
Feet A Is Yummyyy !!!...........
Feet B is...
Pajju , Oh will u come back - NOOOOOO ....:(
Pajju GM.......
Sorry sir, i was not well so...
jamille good morning Kaise ho .......
Tatz in...
Shair hello .....
NOW wats this " R U T K...
Guten TAG ??? Watz tat ? Sounds like some Indonesian...
NFH MasaAl Khair ........ :)
Physically Present, Mentally NOT ...:(
under any Date Tree u can hav ur dinner along with some...
Svelte this is the month of October not APRIL - to make...
Feet A Is Yummyyy !!!...........
Feet B is...
Pajju , Oh will u come back - NOOOOOO ....:(
...Pajju GM.......
Sorry sir, i was not well so...
jamille good morning Kaise ho .......
Tatz in...
Shair hello .....
NOW wats this " R U T K...
Guten TAG ??? Watz tat ? Sounds like some Indonesian...
NFH MasaAl Khair ........ :)