Demographics and Financial Factors apply! There...
WTF do u expect? everythinG here is done on a...
Please remember English is a very new language,...
This is a problem for all expats, how often do we see a...
are u trying to attract attention to urself? for...
qATAR HAS ALWAYS BEEN (SORRY caps) really suspicious of...
Ines_pt said many honourable things to do during the...
Qatari friend told me that the present generation of...
Beware the previous post offering services, she may be...
You cannot walk out of QDC with alcohol and hail a taxi...
Demographics and Financial Factors apply!
WTF do u expect?
everythinG here is done on a...
Please remember English is a very new language,...
This is a problem for all expats, how often do we see a...
are u trying to attract attention to urself?
qATAR HAS ALWAYS BEEN (SORRY caps) really suspicious of...
Ines_pt said many honourable things to do during the...
Qatari friend told me that the present generation of...
Beware the previous post offering services, she may be...
You cannot walk out of QDC with alcohol and hail a taxi...