talking about QL age, You are just 15 weeks old kid...
Happy Birthday Fea..
What the F*** is going in QL...
MODS..... where...
Well as Oldie I must take care of you kids :)
Smoke, I wish i could, we didn't chat that time.. I was...
Good.. don't smoke else you will become impotent.. ;)...
So should we call for another party now??? :p
Black and white.. Evil and Innocence :)
Capthaan de Lost, You smoke right? :p
Smoke Buddy, Please Parcel my Karak also. I won't be...
talking about QL age, You are just 15 weeks old kid...
Happy Birthday Fea..
What the F*** is going in QL...
MODS..... where...
Well as Oldie I must take care of you kids :)
...Smoke, I wish i could, we didn't chat that time.. I was...
Good.. don't smoke else you will become impotent.. ;)...
So should we call for another party now??? :p
...Black and white.. Evil and Innocence :)
Capthaan de Lost, You smoke right? :p
Smoke Buddy, Please Parcel my Karak also. I won't be...