Captain, hmmm Ok Ok..
CL, are you talking about iPhone 4?
Goshhhh, this much strictness from the MODS, :/...
English on Main forum and No Hijacking-[Mods]
So let you fall down will be a perfect moment, catching...
80% Confirm :)
You can Count me in + O :D
Thanks Osama...
Azilana, Why don't you start using high heels, so that...
Wait up to November, and i will give you party. ;)...
Smokie, What happened to your DP? :O
Captain, hmmm Ok Ok..
CL, are you talking about iPhone 4?
Goshhhh, this much strictness from the MODS, :/
English on Main forum and No Hijacking-[Mods]
...So let you fall down will be a perfect moment, catching...
80% Confirm :)
You can Count me in + O :D
...Thanks Osama...
Azilana, Why don't you start using high heels, so that...
Wait up to November, and i will give you party. ;)...
Smokie, What happened to your DP? :O