snessy... pics hide a LOT... none on QL can "beat" Xena...
Best protection... dur_x the one I always trust......
Khanan... lucky
LP then put all the money in the sea... and make funny...
Dis in UK ... not in Qatar...
snessy... snessy... where art thou?
I hope you are better now... I would have sent you some...
Dont play football on Friday...
All humbug...
snessy... pics hide a LOT... none on QL can "beat" Xena...
Best protection... dur_x the one I always trust......
Khanan... lucky
LP then put all the money in the sea... and make funny...
Dis in UK ... not in Qatar...
snessy... snessy... where art thou?
I hope you are better now... I would have sent you some...
Dont play football on Friday...
All humbug...