Open dialog regarding what veri? I do not see any...
No, I don't want QL to start paying us for visiting or...
Ahmad hi-jacked this thread..... Rizks and Pajju are...
If it was only about money, they could simply keep an...
There is a "sh" alphabet in most languages in India,...
Sad part is, they won't end up fixing their parent's...
Sex comes with responsibilities? Since when? If you...
We are already providing them an income with the all...
"By" you don't like this "bebsi" and "bobcorn" ?...
Don't forget the millions of innocent sperms WK :P...
Open dialog regarding what veri? I do not see any...
No, I don't want QL to start paying us for visiting or...
Ahmad hi-jacked this thread..... Rizks and Pajju are...
If it was only about money, they could simply keep an...
There is a "sh" alphabet in most languages in India,...
Sad part is, they won't end up fixing their parent's...
Sex comes with responsibilities? Since when? If you...
We are already providing them an income with the all...
"By" you don't like this "bebsi" and "bobcorn" ?...
Don't forget the millions of innocent sperms WK :P...