Exhibit A is some British thing :P Exhibit B is...
lol timebandit, why ask WHY... I call them that...
But English Muffins, or at least what we call English...
Thanks Sness, am doing well and eating lots of sugary...
It's not soft and fresh because it doesn't have any...
there's already a car named "Cougar" ;)
ba dum bum
lol brit
I was in college, early 80s, had to learn to write...
UK you have to eat a lot of cookies :P
Darude, are you paying attention?
You mean...
Exhibit A is some British thing :P
Exhibit B is...
lol timebandit, why ask WHY...
I call them that...
But English Muffins, or at least what we call English...
Thanks Sness, am doing well and eating lots of sugary...
It's not soft and fresh because it doesn't have any...
there's already a car named "Cougar" ;)
ba dum bum
lol brit
I was in college, early 80s, had to learn to write...
UK you have to eat a lot of cookies :P
Darude, are you paying attention?
You mean...