Another positive experience. Showtime called and asked...
Have you tried QP? Although if you love Doha you may...
I have sent you a private message. Good luck!
It costs 500QR to INSERT a microchip, maybe whichever...
I can assure you that if you take the dog to Doha Vets...
GSD and labs are the height of fashion this season as I...
I have adopted a dog from QAWS. He was vaccinated,...
Pity for the owner? What about the poor cow???...
Please don't buy puppies from the pet shop. You will be...
Britexpat, as usual you have hit the nail on the head....
Another positive experience. Showtime called and asked...
Have you tried QP? Although if you love Doha you may...
I have sent you a private message. Good luck!
...It costs 500QR to INSERT a microchip, maybe whichever...
I can assure you that if you take the dog to Doha Vets...
GSD and labs are the height of fashion this season as I...
I have adopted a dog from QAWS. He was vaccinated,...
Pity for the owner? What about the poor cow???
Please don't buy puppies from the pet shop. You will be...
Britexpat, as usual you have hit the nail on the head....