Regardless what initiatives are taken, if the cats are...
Rent will only come down, when more and more expats...
In the desert, where they can roam free and be far away...
Sad and tragic!
Uber copy cat!
Good customer service is does not exist here.
Yes Yes, smarty and all mighty Nanoflim...doggy...not...
Ok Nanofilm, you can be the smarty of the QL...Be...
MM and Nanoflim...Do you have housemaid? Have you ever...
No, I renewed my maid's visa without her being...
Regardless what initiatives are taken, if the cats are...
Rent will only come down, when more and more expats...
In the desert, where they can roam free and be far away...
Sad and tragic!
Uber copy cat!
Good customer service is does not exist here.
...Yes Yes, smarty and all mighty Nanoflim...doggy...not...
Ok Nanofilm, you can be the smarty of the QL...Be...
MM and Nanoflim...Do you have housemaid? Have you ever...
No, I renewed my maid's visa without her being...