Send it to every woman you know MN & Smoke. It...
I'm trying to find a picture of myself with a shayla on...
Because some people are incapable of forming their own...
Next time I'm in Doha UK the drinks are on me ;)...
You do realize every time you make a post BG you are...
BG Mona IS muslim, how can you say she lacks knowledge...
No you didn't BG, you just said they don't follow it by...
"a lady who follows Islam by heart in a pure way will...
So Muslim women who choose not to wear niqab are not...
I'd just like to point out that I've gotten 4...
Send it to every woman you know MN & Smoke. It...
I'm trying to find a picture of myself with a shayla on...
Because some people are incapable of forming their own...
Next time I'm in Doha UK the drinks are on me ;)...
You do realize every time you make a post BG you are...
BG Mona IS muslim, how can you say she lacks knowledge...
No you didn't BG, you just said they don't follow it by...
"a lady who follows Islam by heart in a pure way will...
So Muslim women who choose not to wear niqab are not...
I'd just like to point out that I've gotten 4...