Try this nxt time when u encounter such ppl Ask...
If humans can take care if themselves so can the...
There are no contractual obligation while buying a...
Flexible please make a note that Indians are different...
How could u possibly open a jar using an armpit?...
shouldn't this be posted in funnies?
yes ur salary is fair enough(qualified) for you...
lotta human beings are homeless in doha...y not... was family food centre and bombay...
Buy another car instead
Try this nxt time when u encounter such ppl
If humans can take care if themselves so can the...
There are no contractual obligation while buying a...
Flexible please make a note that Indians are different...
How could u possibly open a jar using an armpit?...
shouldn't this be posted in funnies?
...yes ur salary is fair enough(qualified) for you...
lotta human beings are homeless in doha...y not... was family food centre and bombay...
Buy another car instead