The expression hard h and silent h are not accurate. A...
You just dont think only, you are perfectly correct. It...
You can say this only in the English your mommy taught...
I am about to go to sleep, lying down in the bed and by...
In some Maori accents yes, but in British English,...
You are so untypical of your stock, do you know that? I...
How about the cost?
I second nomerci
If you have an ipad or iphone, you can get the app and...
I strongly support the UAE government stance to charge...
The expression hard h and silent h are not accurate. A...
You just dont think only, you are perfectly correct. It...
You can say this only in the English your mommy taught...
I am about to go to sleep, lying down in the bed and by...
In some Maori accents yes, but in British English,...
You are so untypical of your stock, do you know that? I...
How about the cost?
I second nomerci
If you have an ipad or iphone, you can get the app and...
I strongly support the UAE government stance to charge...