a yacht (fully captained and manned, of course)
Advert begins "I do have a Bath". ...
this is the saddest news of all time!
Hope to meet you, helenann, and your hub when I get...
without QL I wouldn't have had so many chums here in ...
I do that all the time in reality. Be interesting if...
cyber tourettes? Is that like verbal diarrhea? as in...
when my sister came to stay with me, I'd lived here...
and I mean that, sincerely !
a yacht (fully captained and manned, of course)
...Advert begins "I do have a Bath". ...
this is the saddest news of all time!
Hope to meet you, helenann, and your hub when I get...
without QL I wouldn't have had so many chums here in ...
I do that all the time in reality. Be interesting if...
cyber tourettes? Is that like verbal diarrhea? as in...
when my sister came to stay with me, I'd lived here...
and I mean that, sincerely !