Dear God what IS the matter with everyone !
cya soon, I hope.
But you know, to take something with 'a pinch of salt'...
I think that's how it was meant to be taken - or was...
Believe it or not...this is the transcript of an actual...
Nudge Nudge ..."You 'wake, Sheila?"
Need to pop out and buy another box of Christmas...
Attendant: "Come in No 99 - your time is up"
what does TIT stand for again?
apart from a condom on the end of his nose.
Dear God what IS the matter with everyone !
cya soon, I hope.
But you know, to take something with 'a pinch of salt'...
I think that's how it was meant to be taken - or was...
Believe it or not...this is the transcript of an actual...
Nudge Nudge ..."You 'wake, Sheila?"
Need to pop out and buy another box of Christmas...
Attendant: "Come in No 99 - your time is up"
what does TIT stand for again?
apart from a condom on the end of his nose.