Comment avez-vous su ?
Est-ce que je suis futé ?
Les deux expressions sont incorrectes. Just say "I LOVE...
Owen, just one advice and one word...PRAY
I got a lot and put it in trash...hehehe
why shavonne, have you experienced one?
You are right swissgirl39, racism is not everywhere. It...
Abu dhabi is much better place, high range of salary...
Comment avez-vous su ?
Est-ce que je suis futé ?
Les deux expressions sont incorrectes. Just say "I LOVE...
Owen, just one advice and one word...PRAY
I got a lot and put it in trash...hehehe
why shavonne, have you experienced one?
You are right swissgirl39, racism is not everywhere. It...
Abu dhabi is much better place, high range of salary...