WK humans commit mistakes and i m human...
go to mantaka saina (industrial area) ull...
rizks is innocent man who loves and lives...
yet i didnt meet any QL member except rizks...
actually shak was her email id she left me...
rizk why did u use the work "shak"?...
rizks what d u think she is????
ok thanks alot soniya
my cheeks get dry often whether it be winter...
WK humans commit mistakes and i m human...
go to mantaka saina (industrial area) ull...
rizks is innocent man who loves and lives...
yet i didnt meet any QL member except rizks...
actually shak was her email id she left me...
rizk why did u use the work "shak"?
...rizks what d u think she is????
ok thanks alot soniya
my cheeks get dry often whether it be winter...