My stress busters - my kid, going for a walk, talking...
And people get paid for such research/studies !!!!! God...
Yup, the lie detector - everytime it is used on 'Asians...
'Asian' Oh Yes!! It is an asian thing - lying and being...
Peace who ? Never seen him around QL. Must be popular...
So that brings us to the eternal question 'Is God Male...
I guess because I realized I can still make friends....
I agree with Tallg. Those who have something...
'Fella' - LOL. Pity they don't have official names -...
Tragedy queens that's what we are. Sitting in our cosy...
My stress busters - my kid, going for a walk, talking...
And people get paid for such research/studies !!!!! God...
Yup, the lie detector - everytime it is used on 'Asians...
'Asian' Oh Yes!! It is an asian thing - lying and being...
Peace who ? Never seen him around QL. Must be popular...
So that brings us to the eternal question 'Is God Male...
I guess because I realized I can still make friends....
I agree with Tallg. Those who have something...
'Fella' - LOL. Pity they don't have official names -...
Tragedy queens that's what we are. Sitting in our cosy...