Make yourself as tired as possible.......
"It is...
Why? Has cricket annoyed you in some way?
Lol...... "It is better to be hated for what you...
These ideas are more complicated and difficult than...
rishimba, If mercy killing is correct, then all...
rishimba, how can a person in vegetative state convey...
Disapprove.......pull the plug only if you are capable...
we are getting live cricket commentary here. Fanonite,...
WK vs. pajju.........
"It is better to be hated...
Make yourself as tired as possible.......
"It is...
Why? Has cricket annoyed you in some way?
"It is better to be hated for what you...
These ideas are more complicated and difficult than...
rishimba, If mercy killing is correct, then all...
rishimba, how can a person in vegetative state convey...
Disapprove.......pull the plug only if you are capable...
we are getting live cricket commentary here. Fanonite,...
WK vs. pajju.........
"It is better to be hated...