Grrr WK....I know better ways to take care of it. You...
Part time jobs are illegal in Qatar I think...
Lulu has special offer price for blueberries since last...
That's horrible...but can't this be reported to the...
Was she molested? If so, she needs you more than anyone...
Check the following link. All your answers are there:...
Hope he doesn't hurt himself on all the wrong parts......
Happy, he he he...... To the OP, Xena said it...
Lol at the comments :-D
Grrr WK....I know better ways to take care of it. You...
Part time jobs are illegal in Qatar I think...
...Lulu has special offer price for blueberries since last...
That's horrible...but can't this be reported to the...
Was she molested? If so, she needs you more than anyone...
Check the following link. All your answers are there:...
Hope he doesn't hurt himself on all the wrong parts......
Happy, he he he......
To the OP, Xena said it...
Lol at the comments :-D