grumpy old sandee......
my friends...nothing is constant in this world i guess...
lol the 3rd page is solely for us...hijackers ;)...
i didn't say i'm the best one sandee...i could never be...
so... i have an idea. when i go there, i will just put...
why would you be having second thoughts on giving me...
well the best one might just be around the corner...
sandee am not that popular like boston ;) which girls...
so when i go there boston i would just tell them your...
sandee you don't drink JD like water you know... ;)...
grumpy old sandee...
my friends...nothing is constant in this world i guess...
lol the 3rd page is solely for us...hijackers ;)
i didn't say i'm the best one sandee...i could never be...
so... i have an idea. when i go there, i will just put...
why would you be having second thoughts on giving me...
well the best one might just be around the corner...
sandee am not that popular like boston ;) which girls...
so when i go there boston i would just tell them your...
sandee you don't drink JD like water you know... ;)...