Thank you guilt soltero, if you find it worth...
Thank you very much 'ltfo'. great help!
You can go through my blog. You'll find numbers of...
Hi cd, Good Choice. But I'm not sure if you have a...
Why do you want to get a cheap lens while you have a...
Lets share what we learn.
Hi simplecomplex, I'm sharing what I learn and and...
Thank you Shaaz786 & starberry_sheesha...glad to...
Yes Balds.. me too. but I've been trying it in my...
You've got a good kit. But get yourself a tripod to get...
Thank you guilt
soltero, if you find it worth...
Thank you very much 'ltfo'. great help!
You can go through my blog. You'll find numbers of...
Hi cd, Good Choice. But I'm not sure if you have a...
Why do you want to get a cheap lens while you have a...
Lets share what we learn.
Hi simplecomplex, I'm sharing what I learn and and...
Thank you Shaaz786 & starberry_sheesha...glad to...
Yes Balds.. me too. but I've been trying it in my...
You've got a good kit. But get yourself a tripod to get...