A stupid discussion about a stupid spelling/translation...
WOW! I'm really disgusted from some of the comments...
And when they changed it last year, you can no longer...
"to previous levels again"??? maybe the current levels...
A DVD is 4.7 to 9GB, a onecd is 700MB.
It's not banned.
A GCC driver's license needs to be replaced by a Qatari...
You need to use your own SMTP, from your host.
I would urge them to do the opposite, We need all of...
The dog poo expression is quite normal,and it takes...
A stupid discussion about a stupid spelling/translation...
WOW! I'm really disgusted from some of the comments...
And when they changed it last year, you can no longer...
"to previous levels again"??? maybe the current levels...
A DVD is 4.7 to 9GB, a onecd is 700MB.
It's not banned.
A GCC driver's license needs to be replaced by a Qatari...
You need to use your own SMTP, from your host.
I would urge them to do the opposite, We need all of...
The dog poo expression is quite normal,and it takes...