An accomplished educator, highly motivated, intuitive and results focused Director of a group of schools possessing qualification of M.A., (English Literature), B. Ed., ISO 9001:2000 Lead Auditor from BVQI, with around 19 years’ experience in education handling diversified functions including teaching, examinations, time tabling, admissions, recruitment, orientation and training programmes, curriculum planning, career cell, administration, event management, counselling, IB Accreditation Process, CBSE Affiliation and also formulating Uniform Policies and Standard Guidelines to achieve aims and objectives of chain/group of schools. A team player with excellent leadership skills, able to generate new ideas, analyses and resolves challenges to achieve organisational goals and objectives.
Received the Best Educationist Award from Indian Solidarity Council & Indian Institute of Education and Management on 12th August 2011 in New Delhi.
To be conferred the Indian Achievers Award on 4th November 2011 at New Delhi.
To be conferred the International Achievers Award for Education Excellence on 23rd December in Bangkok.
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