This woman and her family moved to my country and no...
she tried to kill an MP and has expressed the desire to...
This is a very serious crime. I presume you think we...
muslim on muslim violence all over the news, too. I was...
and I don't think "dismantling religion" is ever going...
and that group of Radicals who see it as their bible....
and agree to some extent. I do think there are people...
Those people would be immigrating to and respect that...
to contribute to the one we are having about what can...
In this case, I do not think the woman is crazy. I...
This woman and her family moved to my country and no...
she tried to kill an MP and has expressed the desire to...
This is a very serious crime. I presume you think we...
muslim on muslim violence all over the news, too. I was...
and I don't think "dismantling religion" is ever going...
and that group of Radicals who see it as their bible....
and agree to some extent. I do think there are people...
Those people would be immigrating to and respect that...
to contribute to the one we are having about what can...
In this case, I do not think the woman is crazy. I...