i wonder if they all become a SHE now.. hehehehe...
i don't want scan.. I want full check up.. :P
U'r a SHE now?
me in ur dream??? *blushing* ahehehehe
why?? U all still sleeping???
afrin, sis, when is the party??? :D
presume my comment is also in FUNNIES..
Victory!!! i don't know if i offended u so much...
DA, ur hurting my feelings???
Rizks, we can talk...
i live in a democratic country.. too much democracy...
i wonder if they all become a SHE now.. hehehehe...
i don't want scan.. I want full check up.. :P
U'r a SHE now?
me in ur dream??? *blushing* ahehehehe
why?? U all still sleeping???
afrin, sis, when is the party??? :D
presume my comment is also in FUNNIES..
i don't know if i offended u so much...
DA, ur hurting my feelings???
Rizks, we can talk...
i live in a democratic country.. too much democracy...