
Member since: August 2010
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Over 12 years of experience encompassing different project phases (Asset Integrity Management, Inspection, FEED/Detailed Design and EPC) in the field of documentation with Engineering/Oil & Gas sectors and Administration background in Inspection, Consultant and Construction organizations on petroleum projects. Exposure with the document control system of reputed Oil & Gas Operators and Engineering clients/companies like Qatar Petroleum (QP), British Petroleum (BP), Occidental Petroleum of Qatar Ltd. (OXY), Raslaffan Liquefied Natural Gas Company (RasGas), Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO), Dolphin Energy Limited and Germanischer Lloyd (GL) on a number of projects supporting Engineering Leads of all Disciplines in all aspects of Document Control duties and experience of setting-up document control systems from project kick-off to project close-out.

Conversant with engineering documents of different disciplines like Process/Mech./Elect.& Inst./Civil & Struct. and Equipment. Able to identify the category of Doc. & Dwg. for each discipline e.g. Process: Basis of Design, P&IDs. Mech: GAs, ISO, Stress Analysis reports etc. Elect. & Inst.: Cables layout dwgs., Termination dwgs., Loop & logic diagrams etc. Civil & Structural: Foundation dwgs., structural dwgs. etc. Equipment: Data sheets & Specifications, Fabrication dwgs. etc. And carry out proper filing of the Latest Revision of the documents for each discipline, category wise and also maintain proper Index of Documentation for easy identification.

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