
Verified User
Member since: October 2005

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hello to u too waida.:P

life's too short so make...

Witches were dancing and roaming around windows all last night murmuring cold songs. spicemom 16 years 11 months

i make sure when i decide to go buy them fish at the...

Witches were dancing and roaming around windows all last night murmuring cold songs. spicemom 16 years 11 months

yes pls rain so my flowers gets a bath so we can see...

Let's expect some shower rain this Friday spicemom 16 years 11 months

nah uh i did not get holes in my hands (thank god) but...

Witches were dancing and roaming around windows all last night murmuring cold songs. spicemom 16 years 11 months

gonna go get my crabs fr the fishermen at the corniche...

Witches were dancing and roaming around windows all last night murmuring cold songs. spicemom 16 years 11 months

awww poor ypu, wif me i woke up it was gloomy and foggy...

Witches were dancing and roaming around windows all last night murmuring cold songs. spicemom 16 years 11 months

good morning all to a dusty gloomy yellowy and orangey...

Witches were dancing and roaming around windows all last night murmuring cold songs. spicemom 16 years 11 months

good morning poppin hmmm dont look too good does it...

Is this dust all over ? spicemom 16 years 11 months

if i am correct it took me longer to finish reading all...

5 Minutes Management Course spicemom 16 years 11 months

the only place that i have had delivery is HOTCHICKEN...

What is your favorite restaurant that delivers? spicemom 16 years 11 months
