In some countries this is viewed as "Child Pornogrphy...
Just another CUT AND PASTE job. Very lame indeed....
I just see clouds, Maybe enough rain will flush this...
I got a HUMMER from a Filipina. Then we rode my donky...
If this is the biggest decision in your life... Go to...
It was a dusty fog. When I left home at 0545am there...
Get some mace and when the retard comes back, give him...
I have a "Heart-On' for two cherries!!!
I would be on the first bird smoking out of Doha....
In some countries this is viewed as "Child Pornogrphy...
Just another CUT AND PASTE job. Very lame indeed....
I just see clouds, Maybe enough rain will flush this...
I got a HUMMER from a Filipina. Then we rode my donky...
I got a HUMMER from a Filipina. Then we rode my donky...
If this is the biggest decision in your life... Go to...
It was a dusty fog. When I left home at 0545am there...
Get some mace and when the retard comes back, give him...
I have a "Heart-On' for two cherries!!!
I would be on the first bird smoking out of Doha....