Imagine yourself as Manager of Louis Vuitton - do u...
First and foremost i want to share with you the fact...
Do the hotels in Qatar allow hordes of bachaelors into...
Yes! Would lorve to hear from you - you foxy lady...
Sweety, have u been on QL ALL day? Thats sort of,well...
Breakfast - Fanny Maes Lunch - Freedie...
yes! I do! Mainly from AA inviting me over for a gin...
There are 3890 Goans, 2368 Conkers, 680 Alcoholics and...
You carry on liking being a Blonde babe - Duh its okay...
No. I can spend that on Gin and Louis vuitton in a day...
Imagine yourself as Manager of Louis Vuitton - do u...
First and foremost i want to share with you the fact...
Do the hotels in Qatar allow hordes of bachaelors into...
Yes! Would lorve to hear from you - you foxy lady...
Sweety, have u been on QL ALL day? Thats sort of,well...
Breakfast - Fanny Maes
Lunch - Freedie...
yes! I do! Mainly from AA inviting me over for a gin...
There are 3890 Goans, 2368 Conkers, 680 Alcoholics and...
You carry on liking being a Blonde babe - Duh its okay...
No. I can spend that on Gin and Louis vuitton in a day...