Calm yourself Sa-japie you might cause a brian...
The perfect woman and the perfect man, a constant...
The only diamonds that aren't blood diamonds are...
"The type of people who would respond to such a stupid...
I would chose Beckham over God anyday. Beckham could...
People in Asia don't eat their pets either. The dogs...
Living in NOrth America for over 25 years I think most...
Because others think of pigs and dogs as breakfast....
I said they aren't firstar, because there aren't enough...
Oh and charmed, the other 4 billion people in the world...
Calm yourself Sa-japie you might cause a brian...
The perfect woman and the perfect man, a constant...
The only diamonds that aren't blood diamonds are...
"The type of people who would respond to such a stupid...
I would chose Beckham over God anyday. Beckham could...
People in Asia don't eat their pets either. The dogs...
Living in NOrth America for over 25 years I think most...
Because others think of pigs and dogs as breakfast....
I said they aren't firstar, because there aren't enough...
Oh and charmed, the other 4 billion people in the world...