Oh God I love this song...it so touchy, but it seems...
Mak I' m qouting u here "I have not heard them...shame...
Happy ..ALEXIA u R both right but it did u forget...
I failed to see a problems...there is no problem in the...
I don't think were are really that different if...
I think this is not talking ... there should be some...
Hey PM, I know it is not your fault., Frankly I...
35 K for some people might be ok, and might not be...
She is bit uncanny but yummy...
Have a nice time...
Oh God I love this song...it so touchy, but it seems...
Mak I' m qouting u here "I have not heard them...shame...
Happy ..ALEXIA u R both right
but it did u forget...
I failed to see a problems...there is no problem in the...
I don't think were are really that different
I think this is not talking ... there should be some...
I think this is not talking ... there should be some...
Hey PM, I know it is not your fault., Frankly I...
35 K for some people might be ok, and might not be...
She is bit uncanny but yummy...
Have a nice time...