Suggestions to play Tennis in Doha

Heyllo people...
I was wanting to start playing some Tennis ... so got any suggestions, any people interested in letting "ME" tag along to Learn & Play...
Now before you guys jump off to answer me to "Search" for the answer... please spare me... I have been on this site long enough ... so I did search but did not find any answer that I could benefit off...
So thats why your replies would be helpful... :)
O and trust all my friends whom I know on board here and those I do not know... are doing well in their Daily Days!
how can i join this group, i am new here in doha. can i have any contacts for me to inquire? thanx!
Tennis in doha. If you are looking for a ladies social, sheraton holds one twice a week in the morning, intercon once a week, and fourseasons once a week. If you are looking for a mixed social, sheraton, intercon, and ramada organize some in the evening. If you're looking for private lessons or group lessons, ritz carlton, sheraton, intercon, qtf (in khalifa) and elite tennis academy (aspire) provides them. For filipinos and non filipinos alike there is an active tennis league called FTL (filipine tennis league). They can be found at the back courts of Khalifa and they organize a lot of club level tournaments and social tennis games. There are also a number of pros that would go to compounds to give lessons or will help you get in touch with other players. Just go to khalifa during the weekend and look for the guys with a trolley of balls, they are the pros and they are always willing to help you out with any queries about tennis.
My research on the net took me to the most obvious place:
Khalifa International Tennis and Squash Complex
I never tried it myself, but it's known worldwide and they mentioned online that the courts are opened for the public.
But I was seriously inquiring...:)
our dear QLer Rayyz..
he plays tennis and he can help ya out!
Cheers! :)
Is it chota tennis or bada tennis u looking for...I mean the one played with small balls or big balls...:)
Holy Tennis Ball, How u doing Ksarat ! good to see ya back but shocked to see u playing
anyway, hope this can help ya :-
Cheers !