Emir Cup 2010- Disaster!!!!

How does Qatar expect to host the World Cup when they can't even run a simple Local Cup Final. I went to the stadium with planty of time to spare before Kick-Off and was refused entry!!! Who are they kidding, if that was the world cup there would literally be riots. Now how hard is it to sell the same amount of tickets as the capacity of the stadium. I had ticket number 61,593 and the capacity of the Khalifa stadium is 50,000 you do the maths. This is not the first time it happened either, I also had to watch the last big game in Al Sadd stadium on the floor outside. Now it does't bother me that I had to wat it outside but I just wanted to make the point about the Bid 2022!!!!
spot on WK this is not an isolated incident, apparently it happened at the Asian Cup Final, this really is just a complete embarrassment to Qatar, if they can't get a simple issue like ticketing right they really don't stand a chance of hostin a WC, although most of us know that anyway....
Again mishka 10 QR are not guaranteeing me entry so what is the use. Let me see 10 QR- No entry or 100 QR- Entry confirmed. I think I will go with the second option. As for being aware and to be at the venue 90 minutes in advance, what's that all about???? Are they saying, listen we are going to oversell it, There will be more people than the seats so come a couple of hours before the game to ensure entrance. It's just unbelievably stupid management and it's not a one off case, has happened in every game I have been to here.
hahaha someone compared it to the FA Cup, thats like comparing the Olympic 100m final to a childerns 3 legged race...
Ken Allen,
You didn't really miss much... I went myself and believe me - it was an absolute snoozer! The game was terrible but the atmosphere was great. I must have been the only western expat in a sea of white robes waving red flags. My advise as always - seek local advice first. I was told well in advance that just because I had a ticket didn't guarantee entry and got in 90 minutes before kickoff. It was a really boring wait but and don't think I'll do it again next year but it was a fun one off thing.
Someone compared it to the FA cup but then again, how much is the FA cup final again? Certainly not 10 Qatari riyals I assume so I guess it's a trade off - you get what you pay for.
I totally agree with the two above comments!!! Try not take what we are discussing as an insult take it more as constructive criticism :-)
hahahahaahaha that is so funny...Hamad81 ar eyou serious about your comment "qatar is leading in sports events"....you have got to be joking mate....this country would have to be the most disorganised inept country ever to host sporting events, and you think its a leader? Pull your head out of the sand mate...any organiser you doesn't let a legit ticket holder into the game has serious organisational issues
Hamad if the ticket is cheap, does that mean they can oversell it ?
I would rather buy a 100 QR ticket that guarantees me entrance than buying a 10 QR one which doesn't let me enter. I was there for Heir apparent cup final at 6 PM, 45 minutes before kick off and they didn't let us in. You expect people to come 2 hours before kick off to watch the game?
i dont thik this will happen since qatar is leading in sports events
i think planning ws great, since i had a ticket, found a parking anf easly found my seat with my friend. in my opinion the people leave buying tickets to the last minute, and it was annouced in the newpapre about the gate openining timing and making sure that poeple should show up on time to have their seats
i think in this game they didnt have any issue, since somme of the seats in the stadum were empty from people who bought a ticket and didnt show up for the game. all the tickets had a number for the seats, so for whom didnt show up or was late or didnt want to come, this is his problem. gates was organized and open spactaror were doing there job.
but what can we see if some of the people are not organized when it come to these events. i think our country can host any event and for sure will b e seccessufl on that. but for other people who leaves here, might invee us for that
i think you are talking about two diffrenet things, this is one time event happenes in the year, and the Cinema is a totally diffrenet procudre. if they will allow everyone goes in when they don't come on time, i think it will be a disaster
they had 25 gates opened from 4P.M until 6:45P.M., i think who didnt get in, means he didnt show up on time
this is not true, everyone have a site, and there is number of extra seats from both sides, for emergancy usese. some tickets they leave them over for the people who didn't show up. and by the way ticket cost is 10QR, which is the cheapest ever find to watch a football game. of example in Europ any game will cost you at least 30 $
what a stupid comment s_isale, that tradegy was over 20 years ago and what relevance does it have with this point
s_isale what happened in Hillsborough isn't happening in every match now is it???
That unfortunate incident happened once in a lifetime. Here every game is mismanaged.
Could you imagine it happening at the FA cup final....
same happened to my friend
simply boycott !
Olympics flor, which one are you talking about, summer or winter Olympics??? General consensus around the world is that Football World Cup is the biggest sporting event in the world.
Nope generally considered amongst the media that the WC is closely followed by the Olympics....sorry don't have a link anywhere to confirm that but have def read it in places
Yes I think they will publish it....because all these mess happened bcos of the some bad planning by concerned ppl/department which the govt or the Emir is not directly responsible...no harm in trying..
is the biggest sporting event?
good point Formatted Soul about a letter to the editor but do you honestly believe they would publish a letter from a expat critising the ticketing process at the Emirs Cup, unless its good news about Qatar its not published....and Flor this is a social networking/blogging site where people can have their say and voice their opinions, not all of us agree with each other but most respect everyones right to an opinion, and given the fact that Qatar ha sput its hand up to host the worlds biggest sporting event then people are going to want to talk about it
but if you follow the aggressiveness and ways of opposing such importtant event, you will see some underlying reasons which IMHO is not really that fair to this country hosting us right now as expats!
As reaised by some, it's still 12 years to go! Let the concerned party (FIFA) do their job! I hate to imagine that these people are dumb not to know what's happening here. So many factors to consider (aside from money of course)!
Flor sometimes unsolicited advices do help!!
Raven if people raise such issues in Letter to Editor in Gulf Times...it will reach to more people maybe even to the people responsible as well...
Public awareness campaigns are also important...
Sure it happened a few weeks back at the Heir Apparent Cup final at Al Sadd.. We just sat on the ground and watched it on the big screen.... I know 12 years is a long time but its not the point, the bid has gone in and I think they will be finding out their faith on the 2nd December 2010.. Its a bit late to learn from their mistakes at this stage..
Sure it happened a few weeks back at the Heir Apparent Cup final at Al Sadd.. We just sat on the ground and watched it on the big screen.... I know 12 years is a long time but its not the point, the bid has gone in and I think they will be finding out their faith on the 2nd December 2010.. Its a bit late to learn from their mistakes at this stage..
let Qatar do their thing, we do ours and let FIFA decide!
dam good advice Flor, don't go to the games...that'll please Fifa...LoL
flor....may be they are already listening (I mean someone reading this website and this forum as we type)....:)
don't enter! Lol!!!
My suggestion, raise these issues with the FIFA committee and maybe they will listen to your unsolicited advise! Man, I'm serious!
but thats the thing Formatted Soul they haven't learnt from their mistakes, it happened at the football final at the Asian Games, again at the Eng Brazil game, now here at the Emirs Cup, how is that learning from your mistakes....
They learn from mistakes...give them time..12 yrs a lot of time to learn/teach..:)
Welcome to Doha Ken-Allen, this is what happens when Qataris try and organise something, it happened at the Eng Brazil game as well so not an isolated incident...funny thing is I've been to numerous sporting events and concerts in the UAE and this has never been an issue, you got a ticket you get entry simple as that, so why on earth can't Qatar sort out a simple ticketing process....how will they cope if they miraciously win the WC bid and have 64 WC games to organise...
Not really decided yet...
Good Point...
WK..few yrs back even in cinema it happens even with an advance booking you cant guarantee a seat here.. … we didn’t have cinemas in the Malls then..… .. now also it happens in Gulf cinema and Doha cinema...ppl used to reserve ticket and go on time..There wont be any seats available and they will be provided temporary seats...and all the kids without ticket will be sitting in the seats..and NO seat number in the ticket..lol
Ken-Allen matey.. Guess thats why you not see many western expats at these kinda games.
pls answer truthfully!
i bet WK did not pay and watch the match...he was peeking, tatz wat he is good at....:)
Probably the organizers must have given more free passes and those paid were unable to gain the entry.
It's not a cinema, having a ticket doesn't guarantee you entry :P
Over selling tickets... oh dear.... its because they hand out so many but not everyone in this part of the world who says they will do something actually does it.
post the links which has been posted about this problem earlier.
many have come-out before you! Just browse similar QL threads!