Restaurant to stay away from

This is for anyone that likes to visit and have their meals at Souq Waqif. Do yourself a favor and avoid restaurant Zaatar W Zeit. Without getting into specifics, this place needs to get inspected and have their problems taken care of which according to those I spoke with have been going on for a while.
it is one of my chums' favi'ritte place of hangout. this is very distressful. :(
Don't go to OLIVE restaurant / Al Naser Street!
Better buy a shaorma instead!
don't go to beirut restaurant.. their hummos is intoxicated. No wonder ppl keep goin back for the kick :-P
That's quite a harsh accusation to make to tell us we don't have much sense just for asking why.
My Sense, you don't have much sense do you? You can take the advice or not.
may be they dont accept credit lol
what happened, food quality not good, or what ???
No wonder. Boecker is the pest control company maintaining Zaatar Zeit chain of restos so no doubt everything is so untidy and substandard :(
What was the problem uncle sam? Can u please elaborate your complain clearly?
and you have enough proof to sustain your complaint then go and file one to the authorities so they can take proper actions.
Why, what problems are there? That's usually a very popular place to go !