how do i have to own a televison so i can carry it through customs without paying any duty on it ?

By Kadamashish •
Hey , I wanna pick up a 40" plasma t.v from here and carry it back home in a month's time.I want to know if i'll have to pay any duty on it at the mumbai airport.
i'm sure the customs officers at mumbai airport will charge me duty on a brand new T.V , but what if i own the t.v for a month or so ? do i still have to pay duty on it ?
Lemme know soon guys
what is the fun to take TV set from Gulf countreis to India ?
There is no charm....those days are over, when you find a lot of price difference
Well, assuming that you care for the TV (even after six months use)and you'll repack it into the box it came in for your journey, and then you will have to prove that it is actually six months old (and therefore used)to Customs in India.
The only way you can do this is with the original receipt.
So, you can either buy the TV, keep it in its box for six months and then travel with it (saying that you have used it) or just buy the equivalent TV in India and save yourself all this hassle.
If you produce the receipt to Customs in India (proving that date it was bought) then this will also reveal the TV's value and they may still hit you for tax anyway.
Seems like a lot of trouble, and risk.
yeah that's exactly what i meant !
do i still have to pay duty on a used t.v is my question
He means, he buys the TV now and use / watch it for a month before carrying it to Mumbai.
what do u mean by......u own the tv for a month or so???