Boat service/charter flights to Bahrain?
A bunch of us from work are thinking of a Bahrain weekend getaway. With Qatar Airways just raising their rates, we're wondering about cheaper (and possibly more interesting) ways of making the trip (frankly QA is the most I have ever paid to go 80 km and for only a 13 minute flight).
Is there any sort of boat we could charter (possibly from Al Ruwais up north) or a charter plane or helicopter that would be comparable or cheaper in cost? If so, are there any legalities involved (yes I understand that we would still need exit permits and visitor visas for Bahrain but since we wouldn't be going through the airport, would we need these in advance or could we get them on arrival?)
I've read that there used to be a ferry service between Qatar and Bahrain before, but it was cancelled. Now we will have to wait for the bridge to be completed...
I've passively wondered this too (the ferry service). They could set up a beetle service, or better yet a passenger car ferry so you could take your car over.
Especially as all roads lead through Saudi, which really puts a damper on traveling anywhere.
Why don't they have ferry services to Bahrain or Dubia from Qatar?
Not sure what I said to deserve this, but anyway...
The question was really about: "is there another way to get to Bahrain?" The cost of the airfare isn't a problem, but is there another way to go that can be interesting, unusual, and (depending on the size of the group) not astronomical?
Flying an Airbus 320 up to 12,000 ft and then landing it is not an efficient use of fuel or resources. Dash 8s or Brasilias would make more sense (but while more environmentally friendly would probably be below the image your 5-star airline would like to portray).
As for what charities I support, we'll leave that out of the discussion. OK?
why don't you just pay the increased rates on q.a. the cost of hiring a boat/plane/helicopter will be infinitely more than a ticket with a regular airline. not to mention the immigration hassles. however, if you just want to be a poser why not hire a limousine to take you there. or why not 'do your little part to make the world a better place' (according to your job title) by giving the money you would spend on a weekend getaway to a worthy charity?