QFP - Free Educational Seminar for Young students
Aslam o alikum,
Dear all,
Further to Qatar Finance Professional group last meeting, one of our main objectives is "knowledge sharing"
Listed below are details of initiative
To share our industry level knowledge with 9th to 12th standard school children, their parents and anyone else who is interested in knowing how companies, business, operates, including new entry level employee force
Is March a good time? A seminar in collobration with local school
Possibly if we can speak to principle of school, if they can provide us the venue and potential students for a Saturday seminar and they could invite parents and students.
Need your input on ideas, anybody have contact with local school? We should start with one school as trial and see how it goes before expanding? How about PEC? As first trial
Action points for you.
Send in your suggestion, who would like to work with me on presentation preparation, and can also possibly be co speaker, what other ways members can contribute to make this success.