Ramada Tent Experience - NEW POST
Venue: Intercontinental Hotel
Date: Thursday 27th September
Time: 8pm
Dress: Smart Casual
The cost is 193QR p/p - This includes the buffet, Ramadan juices, entertainment and service fee. Shisha is an additional 30QR. Unfortunately, the privilage membership card is not valid for the table, only the person that has the card, and its not valid on weekends either. Kids under 7 eat free. Your donation is not included here, but will be requested on the evening.
Below are the names of the people that have said they will be joining the funtion. Those who have not confirmed, please do so before tomorrow, as I will be booking the table then. If you no longer wish to attend, let me know that too.
1) Alexa (2)
2) Sallyb (1)
3) Dingo (2)
4) Elaine (1)
5) Desert_Queen(2)
6) Mir83 (1)
7) Amigo66 (2)
8) 63witch (2)
9) Taliesin (3)
10)Richbegbey (1)
11)Novita (3)
12)Xena (1)
13)R7 (1)
14)Irrysa (2)
15)Archer78 (1)
16)Poppy (1)
17) Eurogirl(3)
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE confirm the number next to your name.
This is the final call for Pet group and Social group members to confirm their bookings for Thursday evening.