Driving Licence

By Shakir_Parkar •
Can i apply for driving licence ? my occupation mention in visa is Electrical Technician. if possible what should be cost? currently i am fresh i don't have licence from my nationality?
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Sorry,,,,,you can not join driving school, telephone central electrician, installation technician, Electrical Tech all ar same. but there is chance..go with your PRO, and attached your degree certificates
If it is possible then Can i go to join driving school? it is compulsory to visit typist? maybe driving school also arrange.
Shakir, Go to any typist he will do the necessary works for you .......... It is possible ............
i check but there is not mention electrical technician. there is only mention, general electrician, installation electrician,lift electrician,telephone central electrician
Please check the list of professions ho can,t get the driving license