How to pass road driving test in Qatar ?

Hello Brothers.
What are tricks to pass the road test. I am suffering through problem, when I drive with trainers, they say you are OK and you should pass but Police officer failed me 3 times and always make 5 to 6 tick marks.
He does not speak anything, I don't know what to do ?
I changed my trainers, and all said your driving is OK.
The problems which officer crosses are.
1 - Focussing and paying attension during driving..
What Police officer see for this point. or what is my mistake. or How to overcome this issue. I dont know.
2 - Overall vehicle control
What mean by this? what is trick to resolve this issue.
3 - Keeping and determining enough distant
Always I drive in empty roads during test, so how he thinks I am wrong in it.
4- Passing and overtaking
During test, no vehicle to overtake, and he never ask to overtake, then how I am wrong in it.
5 - Committing to road signals and trafic signs
In test, driving in the roads around the school, and no signs there, then what is fault here.
6 - Changing lanes
He never ask me to change lane, then why he is making cross on it.
I will appreciate quick and kind and accurate response.
Thanks in andvance
Hi everyone,
Actually, I am 2 days failed, but immediately I spoke to the traffic department officer for 3 the chance, but the Doha driving academy doesn't give a test date. they told, me I try to go to another driving academy, anyone knows where I can or I will try the same driving academy
Where did you go for 4th attempt?
This happened with me too
does anybody know how to request for a 3rd test after failing 2 tests.
Can you tell the School name.
It's ok.No problem if nobody gets a license.People who requires urgently license well I can say that luck should support them in their uneasiness time.But for those who don't have a problem with it and they keep trying it they can have their transport arrangements.It doesn't mean they can go anywhere.Well they can.Buses,Taxi,Company transport car etc... are available to them
Hello there !!!
The problem you faced is truly happens.Today 11th April I gave my test on second chance and I failed it.I drived it correctly.I know you may think I may have made a mistake but i didn't. Police officer made me drive 3 minutes. He didn't made me pass even of this thing. Systems are changing and the harder is becoming for getting license. Now the only thing it is your luck.It will support you only in this. Believe me in this.Don't think other thing because this is the only thing what is true. You can agreed to this when you will face this. Majority of people failed in Auto/Manual car.One man I observed was passed by luck. He got the car off in manual car. Police made him pass. He used to go with me on bus to driving academy.
Whats is missuse of bypassing?can anyone help me.i failed in my 2chances.
Whats is missuse of bypassing?can anyone help me.i failed in my 2chances.
dont worry,u will pass for sure.
I'm also in same situation in road test,this is my second course going on ,in my second course I fail two times without making any mistake,the police officer give me to drive 100 m to 200 m very short distance,I follow everything good but finally I fail,i'm waiting for my third chance now,but i don't have hope to get driving licence because even if i drive very good the police officer will fail me,so no use but i will try at the end even i fail 1000 times.
@billystelljes... Highly appreciated... I will take care of these things Insha Allah
@billystelljes... Highly appreciated... I will take care of these things Insha Allah
1 - Focussing and paying attension during driving.
When you are driving, you need to first of all make sure your mirrors are all adjusted properly.
Secondly, you need to keep a lookout for other cars, signs and traffic signals.
If you're not confident, you'll tend to focus on one aspect and forget the other;
For example, you might focus on looking at the speedometer because you're scared to go over the speed limit and forget about the cars moving around you. This means you are not paying "FULL" attention. Make sure you pay attention to all aspects all the time.
2 - Overall vehicle control
This really has to do with how you accelerate and break. Do not start the car and dash off like super sonic nor should you drive super slow to get a pass mark. You should drive normally and when its time to break it should be smooth. The smoothness of braking a car comes when you gradually break bit by bit until it brakes perfectly.
Also, vehicle control involves how well you turn a car. Sometimes you need to do a U-Turn, so you need to make sure well beforehand you've turned the wheel already quite a bit at the signal and you have your left indicator on.
3 - Keeping and determining enough distant
At a traffic signal, you're either at the traffic signal or behind some other car. You should not be too close to another car or too far away. The distance is a good 2 meters away.
Also when you're driving, your car should not be too close to the sidewalk or other lanes - keep an eye on this when you're driving and make sure you are always in your lane.
4- Passing and overtaking
This means accelerating quicker than another car and overtaking. You need first make sure you put a signal on and then drive very quickly and gradually take a small turn to overtake the other vehicle.
Don't be nervous here, in real life you need to do TONS of overtaking and if you get it wrong, you're dead.
5 - Committing to road signals and trafic signs
Traffic signals starts flashing yellow - you need to start braking immediately.
The No entry sign is a complete no go and the parking lines which means no parking should be avoided. The officer may try to make you park in no parking zones - beware of this!!!
6 - Changing lanes
Changing lanes is similar to ovetaking. Make sure signal is on and take a smooth turn in...don't be nervous just do it.
1.Focussing and paying attention during driving..
Ans: if you are coming from T-road your attention should be left-right the vehicles coming from..If the road is free than drive the vehicle from that lane..
@Cjessy: I think we should not be disappointed... Success is always behind failures...
Gulf Driving shcool
Gulf Driving shcool
Gulf Driving shcool
BTW, which driving school you are at the moment ?
Zaidiraja, I think you will DEFINATELY NOT PASS YOUR DRIVING TEST... forgot about driving. Now the traffic is very strict... difficult for Indians to get License.
Call me on 33894814
U r not the Only One , Many People are getting failed even after 4 attempts, They have Restricted the Issue of Driving License especially to expats. Also it depends on the school...
May be making cross means, you are Okay with this points. Check at your school what exactly you are missing for making them to fail you, from the police officer report they have.