Love rival killed by man walking monkey

I don't think I want to live in a world where you can't walk your monkey while stoned without getting attacked by your neighbour cause you both like the same barmaid... :(
Love rival killed by man walking monkey
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
A drugged-up man who was enjoying a walk in Dubai with his pet primate attacked his neighbour, poured sand in his mouth and left him for dead after a row over a woman.
The 31-year-old Emirati appeared before Dubai Court of First Instance on Tuesday where he admitted a charge of assault leading to death.
He told the court he was walking his monkey past his neighbour’s house in Al Rashidiya when the man came out and the duo started rowing about a barmaid.
“He told me to stay away from his girlfriend, who works at a bar,” the defendant stated in official records.
The defendant said the neighbour then challenged him to a fight so they headed to a deserted area. He tethered his pet monkey and the men started brawling.
“He attacked me with a razor, then he threw sand into my face and poked me in the eye,” the Emirati defendant said. “I punched him in the face and kicked him until he fell down. Then I bit his nose and put some sand into his mouth.”
The attacker said he stopped the assault when he realised the man was having difficulty breathing. The defendant added: “He asked me for some water so I went to a nearby house and got some. I returned and noticed his condition was getting worse so I took my monkey and returned home.”
He claims he told his brother what happened and he then called the victim’s brother. Emergency services were called to the scene but the man was already dead.
The victim died from head injuries and internal bleeding. The defendant confessed to attacking him while under the influence of illegal painkillers.
the monkey is in search of bodyguard
how abt offering peanuts
I think the monkey should be offered counseling for being witnessed to this horrific incident.
7 Days. The National, Gulf News. pick.
Of course UK. They went to a "deserted area." Sadly the monkey isn't talking.
monkey is behind the bars...:(
What happened to the monkey??
Miss Mimi, so Monkey is the Key and only witness to this love war?
Are puns still funny?
I heard they tried to reach the monkey for comment, but he's gone bananas from the stress.
monkey was only watching the whole drama without any reaction why did monkey did not react in this kind of difficult situation that is the OP question
what was the Monkey's role in this whole story ?
The monkey has no significant role in this drama. It's only rival lovers fighting to death. Please do respect monkeys.
tsk tsk tsk value life it's the greatest gift from God
Now the drug addict will get severe punishment and his barmaid grilfriend will be roaming with someone else.
What you suggesting you Husband might also know the barmaid?
tell him to meet me in a deserted place..:)
It's 5 kitties UK, but I was actually referring to my husband. ;)
contact Spock then :)
monkey you have cause enough trouble already. Can I have a quite word with your owner..:)
Was the monkey a QL mod?
You only need to worry if you are a dating a two timing bartender, and your neighbor is the other woman!
she likes making up stories
Miss Mimi when did you get the monkey from, you only 3 kitties, one husband and a baby, so where did the monkey come from, or are you suggesting one of them is the monkey?..:)
I know. I'm petrified to go an walk my monkey now.
Miss Mimi can you clarify your statement
"I don't think I want to live in a world..."
But I recall correct you is living in UAE just down (110km) the road from where this incident took place..:)
I doubt he'll go to chop chop square Fatimah. He's Emirati. He'll get 3 or 4 years tops.
i need a Body Guard !
I love the 'put some sand in his mouth' part. What a calling card!
All the Monkeys on QL... be careful!
drsam, they HEADED to a deserted area to fight.
What a horrible way to die... Wait...walking a pet monkey AND stoned? How's that for weirdo! Seriously there are some real psychos out to chop chop square then, or pardoned cos he was obviously not in his senses? Awaiting the verdict!
a nearby house in a deserted area!