Human Stupidity knows no bounds..

Good to know that you are not alone :O)
True stories of people calling their council offices.... I love the first one ....
A German man turned up at a council premises in Northumberland demanding to be given political asylum, and police had to be called when he refused to accept that all Europeans are free to enter Britain.
A woman rang her local council to ask if a car park was haunted as her vehicle had 'moved' to another parking space while she was shopping.
Another member of the public rang his local authority to ask if he could roll up a zebra crossing.
Other queries that had officials scratching their heads included someone who wanted to know if they could register the death of a person who was still alive, and a request to be told the plot of She Stoops to Conquer, an 18th century play.
An East Dorset resident rang the town hall's tourist information centre while in Cologne, Germany, to find out why his bus hadn't arrived.
The same office received a call from a resident temporarily in South Korea, who wanted a Christmas turkey ordered from the local butcher.
A caller to Surrey council complained that the phone number they had been given for their library was out of order - only to be told that '0900 1800' were in fact its opening hours.
Source: Ananova
LOL.. Love the one about surrey council
oh my... title is apt.......
No need to go far.
drmana, the above post looks similar to your SIGNATURE..:)
Lol....stupidity unlimited.