Are you a Malayalee?

And again, look where its posted at before you start to abuse me ;-))) Peace Out!
You might be a Malayali..........
# If you can fit four passengers in the front seat of an Ambassador taxi, while in the back there are eight passengers and two children with their heads stuck out of the window.
# If you can run, ride a 100 cc motorbike without wearing a helmet, and playfootball, all while wearing a lungi tied halfmast, Malayali status!
# If you have more than 5 relatives working in Gulf, Big Time Malayali..
# If you have the words "Chinchu Mol + Jinchu Mol" written on the rear window of your Omni car, Yes, You ARE a Malaayli.
# If you constantly refer to banana as "benana" or pizza as "pissa" you're a Malayali..
# If you use coconut oil instead of refined vegetable oil and can't figure out why people in your family have congenital heart problems, you might be a Malayali.
# If you are going out to see a movie at the local theater with your wifey wearing all the gold jewellery gifted to her by her parents, you are a newly married Malayali.
# If you and your wife and three children dress up in your Sunday best and go out to have biriyani at Kayikka's on a 100 cc Bajaj mobike, you an upwardly mobile Malayali from Cochin.
# If your idea of haute cuisine is kappa and meen curry, then, yes, you are a Malayali.
# If you have at least two relatives working in the US in the health industry , Yes! Malayali!
# If you call appetizers served with alcoholic beverages as "touchings" then you are one helluva Malayali.
# If the local toddy shop owner knows you by your pet name and you call him "Porinju Chetta" then you are true Malayali.
All meant in fun, don't get all "SIMBLY AGITATED". :-))
ohh shyam cool down... these all shows how famous v r in the whole world... hurraaaaaahh!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am also a malayaleee....
v r like that......
each and every thing u told about a mallu is right...
mallu means monkey...
it doesnt mean indian malayalies.....
and even if u say that malayali is like what u said, who has problem in that???
v may use our own lunki in the way mohanlal used in spadikam...
mind it...
Gunner decide what you are,one thread northy, one thread you are lankan with little knowlege of malayalam, you are from Russain fedration with money lending bis in Qatar. A lungi decoy,using talcum powder on face to hide the coocnut ooiylea.ippu yendha peranju moone.
gtim...dunt let rizk breaks his
Rizk, since then.. :)
.....but gtim looking still not interested lol.
gtim, lol to ur comment...
anwarji...its very very Important tat u dont interfear in my issues.....:)
see now you've shattered the hopes of so many yeng (young) mallayali's ;-))
rizks is it really important?
gtim ur taken ? :(
When, How , WHY ?
*Sad Mode*
gtim..but dunt try for
lol Colt, i'm taken.
pssh... i think you need a mallu bf ;-))
i thought malayalee is malaysian people.. :)
or is it Puttu....? :)
Colt did u check the post of Pajju, Puttu Technology ? lol
before i die, will you make me a meal of pittu, fried egg, and banana ;-)))
ur frnds goin to kill u?? then post it today itself...
thnx colt.
I've gone thru all the posts..All were amazing especially the HUMOUR on PAKISTANI KID..
But ALAS !, the thread seems to be locked by MODs..I can't put my comments there..
I am a Malayali myself. Great stuff !! Look at this article in the right spirit. I'm proud to be a Malayali !!
I am a Malayali myself. Great stuff !! Look at this article from the right spirit. I'm proud to be a Malayali.
You will be laughing your A off.. lol!!! My TN friends are gonna keel me ;-)
wow..expecting a grt thread by tomorrow.............
colt...any idea abt UK (United Kerala)??
Ima do it tomorrow ok... kinda just got busy with some work ;-)
Sure a thread for you tomorrow... watch out for it ;-)
hummm...something interesting....but no painful way ...
Koooi Koooooi.......
as u wish...
you want a TN thread or just a post in here???
Say... I think a thread is more FUN eh??? ;-P
u brutus...
I know she is from TN, watch out for this space... coming SOON!!! :-P
Colt i can help u.. may be ur nxt one is abt ..expecting soon........
not me as an eg. please
pray tell where you're from and I will prepare one accordingly ;-)
tell me whom all u have prepared report?
andra? karnataka? TN? and other states....
Say.... where are you from? ;-P
how abt other parts of India?
There you go soniya.. :)
Yesterday was real laugh day..
GREAT entertainment :-D
Ohhhh really??
Buddies, plz send me the links that i'd missed out yesterday...
You missed the threads yesterday. They were for paki's, Indian's and Filipino's... today its mallu's day!!!
Soniya, it started yesterday.. We are having fun, not bashing.. :))
And you are a malayalee with 'big para' for other malayalees.
Morning to you ma'am... yeh, I like to start my day with a good laugh ;-) (all in good humour, may i add) :-)
gr8..i never knew there are these many types of malayalis in U.K....(United Kerela)
nice to go thru ur posts....
OMG..whats going on today?/
I wish noone should start any thread on SARDARS or PUNJABIS
it was real fun reading this thanks for making this morning spcl.........
gud mrng !!
so is it ur everyday job to keep observing ppl and prepare report?
tell us about it ;-)
good ones...yem yay yell yell you.. :P
and they are carried forward by the next generation!!!
Are you living in this century? All those things were there in the last century.
Lol, another mallu thread! Can't help thinking, but all these sound so similar to Chuck Norris jokes! Now, may be replace Chuck by mallus and you have more jokes.
Thanks Colt... That is something apt for this morning...
LMAO Colt.....saala malabari !! :)
Lol at the saturatory warning