Cyber Psychosis

A Banner cum Sign Board In front of an IT company..
Drive Slowly, Don't kill our Employee..... Leave them to us.
Long back, a person who sacrificed his sleep, forgot his family, forgot his food, forgot laughter was called a Saint, But now they are called.. "IT professionals"
Mother to seven year old, you're not down loaded you are born.
Teacher to grade three student,What? you want me to visit your home page to see your Homework?
One fish to another, No food, no love, no birth,no death. I suspect we're living in stupid screen saver.
Welcome to weight loss program, if you want to loose half pound please double click your mouse 12 million times continously.
Dear Afrin
How have you been?
Your mother and I are fine & miss you badly. Please sign off your computer, and come downstairs for something to eat.
Wife to husband, darling let us have virtual children.
Virtual pyshos all around..beware!
afrin u r caught.. ;-)
Wow Afrin, stop playing Farmville, fighting with your virtual friend in QL and eat real stuff.. hahahaha..