‘Mafia trap’ for runaway housemaids

I had to post this in the funnies because it is hard to imagine how anyone could take this seriously.....
‘Mafia trap’ for runaway housemaids
A leading recruiter warns against a “network of traders” luring housemaids into illegal practices
By Anwar Elshamy
Staff Reporter
A leading recruiter and supplier of domestic workers has cautioned against a “network of traders” who lures housemaids into illegal practices, including prostitution and assists them to run away from their employers.
Saqr Ibrahim Ghanim, general manager of Jassim Decoration and Services Company, accused “mafias” of providing refuge to runaway maids and helping them to work with others.
“There is a network of men and women running a racket to target housemaids and tempt them with higher salaries to abscond,” Ghanim told Gulf Times.
“The network helps them to run away and employ them in activities like prostitution or in hotels or wedding halls,” he alleged.
“This mafia has created a black market where people can obtain a housemaid without enduring any liabilities.”
Ghanim, who has been in the manpower supplying business for 20 years, dismissed as “nonsense” a recent human rights committee report which referred to abuses of maids by their employers, saying that on the contrary “employers are the victims of abuse by maids”.
“The human rights reports usually exaggerate the issue and rely on individual cases of maids beaten up by their employers,” Ghanim said.
“There is a wrong perception depicting housemaids as victims who are always beaten up by their sponsors. Of all the housemaids who seek the help of my agency, I have found that sponsors are to blame in only 10% of the cases; in some 60% of the cases, the maids are responsible for the problem and 30% comprise issues arising because of misunderstanding between the two parties,” he said.
“But most people ignore the sufferings that sponsors have to endure because of their maids’ illicit behaviour and obstinacy.”
He called for “effective measures” to tackle the growing trend of maids running away, saying that the practice could create social and economic woes to the community.
A recent report by the National Human Rights Committee raised concern over abuses committed against maids who do not enjoy the coverage of the Qatari labour law.
SXN, good for you that way, don't get a maid coz you might take your revenge on the next maid.
I don't think all is true. One of two cases may have happened. But mafia???? big word... in a secure country like QATAR
I thought of sharing my experience with maids. We braught an Indian house maid , she stayed with us for 10 months. She was good in cooking & child care. We were very happy with her. Suddenly I foud her sick,soo weak. she was complaining abt gas trouble so she couldn't eat.So we took her to a DR, the first thing the Dr. asked was whether she was pregnent, I said no chance she had been in Doha for 10 months, her hubby was in India. So Dr.gave some medicines. After few days she started showing the symptoms of morning sickness. I never had a doubtful eye on her.My mother was with me & she adviced me to take her for better treatment. I took her to a hospital, they did complete check up, they found her pregnent(10 weeks in ultra sound). The maid was arguing with me that the USS was wrong. Then I questioned her she was not admitting any kind of relation with a man. Later on we found a mobile phone in her room , I didn't know that she had a phone, she never went out alone. I checked the contacts, we got a number & we called him. He admitted that he had sex with her , she told him that she wouln't get pregnent. He used to come to our house when me & my husband were out for work. I don't know what she was doing with my 2 yrs old daughter. Any way we cancelled her visa & sent back to India. Now the Qatar govt has stopped issuing Indian house maid visa, we have a Sreelankan maid. From my own experience I will not trust any one.
Truthful - Totally agree with you, pay them better, treat them better they will stay.
Those who are not straight and gud, sack them
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
once a maid left his home country to work as a maid overseas...believe me they have nothing in mind but to help their family at home... why would they do such abusive acts to their masters? when they now that its hard to get in trouble here in qatar.
they woudnt run out for no reason. except maltreated and abused.
"Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies."
Qatarita, not all people are after the money only.
"What is money after all"
as said earlier, no one will run away for no reason. but mostly in maids cases, abusive behavior of employer is the reason why they leave.
please read truthfulvisitor's first comment and accept it
Britexpat..Again you hit the nail right on the head
Many would disagree, but I do believe that prostitution for MOST is an easy way of making money.
As far as the embassies are concerned, they won't do anything because :
Firstly, they don't really give a rats arse about their citizens and
Secondly, they want them to send home much needed revenues from abroad.
attach at GPS to her wrist - you know, like they do to people under house arrest, that way you can find her anywhere in the house;-)
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
visit www.qaws.org
Alpha wolf, good point there are well paid prostitutes aswell, This only goes to reitterate my point that for some people 'more is never enough'
Maybe the best way to deal with the prostitution circle would be to crack down on these circles.
I think that the respective embassies should also take part in preventative measures, perhaps include this as part of their training before they come to Doha.
In the case that should these domestic servants not be happy in their jobs they practice their own rights to return home because running away and becoming prostitues will not be tollerated and have reprimands by their own Governments.
Who do NOT suffer from moral poverty and would never consider prostitution just because of their financial situation.
What a jaded look at life.
Some very well paid ladies are prostitutes also....
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
Let them go...
Or do you own them??
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
Question...Even if you did treat them well and pay them better with bonuses and all...
SO long as there is a market out there that is paying better, whats to stop them from heading in that direction? You speak as though certain working class find offense to prostitution.
More is never enough with people from all walks of life. What the take on those who appear to suffer from a moral poverty? Whats to stop them from a more lucrative 'opportunity' ?
It's not just money either. Everybody - children, adults, me, you - we all love to feel appreciated and useful. We like to be told what a good job we are doing.
You need to treat a domestic helper in the same way. Lay your expectations out clearly, praise when the work is done well, highlight problems firmly but politely, appraise their work frequently, give her a bonus on her birthday or at Ramadan, stick to days off and show the same compassion that you'd expect your boss to show you. Pay a good salary rate and on time. But most of all make them feel useful and not frightened of you.
I can't imagine anyone in their mind being tempted out of their contract in those conditions - even with more money being offered. And if they do, well, that's just the way it goes.
it's the same when a company trains up a professional and invests money on him to learn the law, accountancy practice, or whatever.
Then another company poaches the employee. Losing out as an employer is all part of the risk involved in hiring people.
In many employees only to have them receive other offers. Then you must decide whether to invest more or let them go.
But I got your point the systems are not completely comparable. But as I stated before isn't that the same argument used for the NOC??
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
The difference here is that as in UkEngQatar's case, he has paid a sum of money to bring the maid to this country.
I don't doubt that is true. So why not let them go to greener pastures?? That is the general employment scenerio in many countries. Someone will offer your employees more and then you must match the offer, otherwise convince them to stay or say good bye. But they don't have to run away because you don't "own" them in the first place. They say I quit and away they go.
One aspect of treating them well is paying a competative salary.
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
I have seen many cases where their heads have been turned by the offer of lots more money - Even when they have been treated well by their employer..
Spot on...... Take care of them and no need to run to the mafia.....
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
Why don't you pay your servant (sorry, I meant maid) well (ie. not just 100 riyals over the minimum), treat her well, give her a bonus every so often and give her the incentive to stay with you? In any other labour economy, workers would be free to find the best possible job and protect their own interests. Just because Qatar has made this impossible doesn't mean you have to submit so passively to the system.
Frankly the only people who would be concerned about losing their cheap expendable labour are people who wish to import indentured servants and deprive them completely and systematically of the labour rights normal in the twenty first century.
And all these wonderful expats talking about their 8,500 riyals expense. Shock! OMG! Horrific! How *terribly* expensive, darling!! You could have had lunch out a couple of times and gone for a weekend in Dubai for that much!
If you come from North America or Europe, I'd be pretty damned certain of a few things, firstly - you don't have servants (sorry, I meant maids) in your own home town; secondly - most likely your friends and social groups would sneer at you for even suggesting something so bourgeois and vulgar, thirdly - you couldn't AFFORD them, given the social security, tax, uniform costs, pension and health care contributions you would be legally and morally obliged to make for them every month.
Stop the grandiosity, please, and own up to your role in this system of abuse.
And no need for the inevitable posts of self-justifying conscience sure to follow which say "but truthfulvisitor I treat her well, 700QR is a lot for a maid (you mean servant) from the Philippines, she is really grateful you know. Don't be so judgemental. I'm a good person".
Blah blah blah.
I don't doubt that there are problems...
The GOOD agencies require that the maids and other employment prospects are screened at their authorized clinics to prevent just such cases. The screening is much more rigorous than the Qatar Medical exam so if they pass it they will almost assuredly pass here in Qatar. The agency must pay to return them to home country if they fail in Qatar so why take a chance?
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience and I could never condone a maid slapping or hitting a child under their charge. I understand your bad feelings from your experience.
However I cannot accept that most of the issues with maids are the maid's fault. The person interviewed claims it is 6 times more the maids fault than the employer - yet the employer has most all the power and control. Maids only last resort is to run away when being mistreated - and the "mafia" are just waiting for them. BTW I suspect they will be treated even worse by the "mafia" employer since they are working illegally and are in even a worse situation now.
As to wages - this sounds like the same issue as with NOCs. Employers don't issue NOCs to FORCE employees to stay when they want to leave for better salary or benefits. So maids and other employees want to leave to do better, but they cannot. If their wages and conditions were good, would they still want to leave??
Just some ramblings......
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
The initial payment you make at any agency includes that test,but some maids make the test which comes clear ( probably bribing the medical in their hometowns i assume) because the agency will actually pay for her ticket home if that was the case then they dont pass the medical here...so who is to blame ? I have been in qatar for 7 years and i had a maid once,and had a horrible experience and never again .what i have been mentioning are experiences from my friends ( who all along are suggesting i get a maid ).I apologize if i offended anyone but insist there are maids who do run away from families who do treat them in a good way.I am not talking about myself,coz my maid didnt run away she hit my baby who crying and apparently it disturbed her while she was on the phone!
There is definitely a market. Many of these "maids" realise that they can earn a lot more on their back than on their feet :O)
"a maid comes here knowing exactly what is in her contract,including the salary"
I agree but in most cases as I have heard from the talk of the town, workers or maids know that they are going to work as maids, and also know that they will recieve this much salary that's why they accepted but upon arriving here, the changing of contract begins.
instead of 1 day off per week - no more day off
instead of example 800QR a month - sign a 500 salary contract or go back home, so the maid agrees.
This is just the basic things that triggers a maid to run away.
of course there are also employers that are abused but how many, a 1 to 10 ratio?
when or if employers are abused, they have lost their money only.
but when the maids are abused, they loose everything including there self respect. all that's left for them to live with are the bruises and some other things that only animals can do to a human being
So why doesn't your agency screen these maids before hiring them??
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
I agree 100% on the black market issue, however if you read the article the owner of the agency is blaming this ON THE MAIDS. You gave a perfect example of the abuse of the sponsor and agency (if there was one). Do you feel it was your maids fault??
Staying Alive - You are outling the practices of unscrupulous agencies. And yes many exist, however good ones exist as well. Again should the maid be blamed for the practices of the agencies? BTW you can cancel an RP if the person absconds from their duties so that argument doesn't hold much water.
The black market "mafia" would disappear if the maids were treated well. They would have no reason to run.
To blame their abuse on themselves is absurd.
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
but i will give you one example,a maid comes here knowing exactly what is in her contract,including the salary,then she comes here and starts comparing herself to other maids,with different contracts...or perhaps she knows that the hourly charge for a maid is QR25...would you think she would stay ? Do you think they have loyalty ? NO they just run away.Please dont get me wrong yes there are abuse cases where the maid is a victim,and i feel sorry for them and totally loathe the employer and believe they should be punished,but there also is the part where maids are abusers in all sorts of ways.They can sometimes even cheat the agency that brought them here,a friend of mine had a maid that ran away,so when she finally managed to get a new one she opted for a first timer ( assuming the first ran coz she had worked in qatar before) and at some point,they traveled to dubai,and to their surprise their maid was blacklisted from entering uae.Dont you think that is plain horrible ? She changes her passport, lies about her whole history ...isnt that also abuse.Its not always the maids that are victims.There should be some sort of law that would help both maids and employers here in qatar,because its sad what happens to both parties due to the lack of such law.
Sorry, I didn't find it funny at all, at least the first part. I think there is an underground black-market economy that preys on housemaids. I know I paid a certain sum to "liberate" my wonderful maid from her sponsor for whom she'd never worked. He'd been taking money from her for years while she worked for others under his sponsorship.
a person wouldn't ran away for no reason
I understand, UK. You are the victim.
MD...lol I think it was more like the other way around..
Nah.. Mrs UKEng thought she was just a waste of space and she was more ill then well most of the two month she had been with us, and hence was told to pack her bags.. Managed to track her down and got her visa cancelled and she is on the plane back to the Philipines next Monday.. I am a free man now.. I am not responsible for anyone anymore..yipeee..
By the way MD she was about the same age as you.. with grey hair..lol
Like I told Mrs UKEng.. That you can't teach an old dog to sit..:)
I totally agree with what is said here.I do have to admit there are cases where maids have been abused,but my overall experience here in qatar has taught me that recruiting agencies are to blame primarily by not offering you the customer any guarantees what so ever. When you apply for a maid you pay for a medical that is done in her hometown,well i know a lot of cases where maids actually made it to doha and then surprise ...they do not pass the medical,HIV,TB and all sorts of other weird diseases ? So isnt that abuse in some sort where i would have to wait another 6 weeks to get another maid ? So the way i see it is i have to pay a hefty sum sometimes up to 8500 and if for any reason the maid decides she wants to leave,run away before the 2 year contract ( which you abide with not the maid ),once the maid past the 2 month probation ( during which the agency is obliged to change her for you in case something went wrong)you are faced with having to do the process all over again and your 8500 is flushed down the drain.If this alleged "mafia" didn't exist ...where do you think runaway maids go.......how come there are so many maids that come work for you under someone else's sponsership? As expats,we are allowed one maid,so if my maid runs away after 6 months from working with me, and i fail to find her,she has a valid rp for 18 months,she can find a job somewhere,and guess what i am stuck for that period,till the rp expires then i am allowed to apply for a new one.
My point is not all employers are horrible abusers,on the contrary some of us are very kind,nurturing accommodating employers,and still maids run away or quit.There is no law or regulation that protects us.If a maid was abused and ran away,she could always go to her embassy who would make sure she gets all her rights.Its the agencies that are in need of restricted supervision,i wouldn't be surprised if they themselves encourage the maids to run or engage in illegal activities.
To comment on the last sentence,we employers also dont have any coverage aiding or supporting us with maids under the qatari law.Its you and your luck.
LoL MD....
might be attempt to rape ....:)
You didn't try to rape her, did you, UK?
My maid is missing for one month now..
You're right, that's so funny!