Stavros Flatly

I've just watched this and couldn't stop laughing! Had to share!
I've just watched this and couldn't stop laughing! Had to share!
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Surprisingly Hilarious.....
Its cool to be tht thin now.. :)
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Excellent stuff... Its what humour is all about..
You're welcome mate, good post, good post. xx
I say what I like and I bloody well like what I say
It was HILARIOUS!!!!! Had to post! Well done to them! Thanks Geoffrey!
Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.
I know we like each other but this is unreal....My mate has just gone on to you tube; Stavoros Flatly, at the same time you posted this.
I will hoist that up the flag pole and see who salutes it!!
Hi Lil. love it, in terms of entertainment - That is what I am talking about. God love the Cypriots. Mum and Dad lived there for years, lovely people, great sense of humour.
I say what I like and I bloody well like what I say