Cannibals start to work in a company
![Default Nick](
In a company the GM makes an offer to the chieftain of a cannibal tribe because of cheap man power. But during negotiations GM strictly warns about their bad habit and tells them "Even from a small incident from your old habit I will fire all of you." And the chieftain of the tribe accepts the offer since the globalism makes life harder for his tribe. Everything was going fine since the office boy was lost. After all search no body can find him. So the GM calls the chieftain of the cannibal tribe and asks him:
-Do you have anything to say about that?
-Oh no Sir we are totally innocent.
GM and the police officers make long interrogation with the tribe members. After all investigations over and everything start to be fine chieftain of the tribe and shouts them:
-Why did you eat the office boy!? I told you to eat just managers, directors. You were eating a lot of managers and directors and nobody understood. Now see what happened when you eat office boy. All office works blocked now.
PS: Since most of the members have a title ending or starting with manager, director here on QL hope you wont take it offensive. LOL