Will my DVDs be confiscated at customs?!

Hello there,
I have recently been offered a job in Doha and will be moving to Qatar next week. I am in the middle of packing just now and want to bring over a few Dvds with me, however I am worried that some of them may be confiscated at customs.
I am a big Tarantino fan but I'm worried that flims like 'Pulp Fiction' and 'Kill Bill' may be too violent and risque, especially as I have the uncut versions. Does anyone know if these movies are banned or if it would be ok to bring them?
Would really appreciate some advice as I would hate my collection to be destroyed at customs!
Also, is there a limit as to how many Dvds you can bring with you?
Thanks very much!
I bring them all the time and never had any issues
I brought a box with over 300dvds when I had all of my household goods shipped here. Each and every one of them made it without issue.
I doubt if blood and guts would be confiscated - porn of any kind will get you in trouble. I've never had my laptop checked in any way.
means,DON'T. Don't bring those originals. Make a copy to your laptop and download it again when you're here. At the airport, don't act as if you're afraid of something as it may provoke the authorities to search you. Just act as if it's just a plain laptop and you'll be ok!
hi bisdaksa
even i'm moving to doha..do they check the laptop files? i've dell laptop with Genuine windows.but i have some software which are not legal ( i mean i have downloaded it from internet) do they check each and every file? i've r18 content (hollywood movies)..not the P stuff..but i've compressed and encrypted the files with RAR software..plz give me some links where i can find the info of qatar Internet laws..
you can bring, but dont bring r18 movies... ;-p and let me have a copy ;-) ..... welcome to doha...
be sure to bring original dvd's and put it in your luggage. if you have time let someone convert it and save it to your laptop.
I almost always have few CDs or DVDs in my laptop bag while coming in or going out of Qatar. No one have ever bothered me with that at the airport, however they have every right to check what are those DVDs all about and confiscate if required.I think you can take your chance by making a set of duplicates and carrying them in two different check in baggage. If you get away with it, give the duplicates to me. :P
bring as much as u want dvds cds i bring last time on 2011-1-22 may be i bring 88 cds no one has see or care that one and all r softwares movies dvds so no worry be cool bring wht dvds u with u happyle
u can bring any dvds maby be movies mature or copygrites softwares like windoows u can bring every dvd but note note in a hand bage or hand put the dvd bag in lugage which u leve in waiting machine and u will get back in doha airport if u r cds in lugage u dont have to worry no one will catch u if u bring any dvds
Not sure if they will confiscate those, but many of ours were taken, not for censorship, but just plain old sticky fingers.One day a few months after we got our shipment we wanted to play one of our DVD's (One of the Bourne series) Well, the disk inside the case was gone! We started checking other cases and those disks were missing, too!After speaking to a few people, that seems to be pretty normal as for most people, they have a DVD "collection" and that a lot of times a few months will go by without watching a particular movie. Most movers have a 45 day policy on broken and missing items. so usually you have gone past your time limit of complaining.So, the lesson is as soon as you get your shipment, check the cases to make sure the actual disk is inside. Better yet, take photos of the CDs and the cases for proof.