What should we eat?

By Bluemountain •
We eat a lot in DOHA. But less in exercise to burn all fat that we took. Not to become a fat person, we should be start thinking what should we eat? How many meals should be eating in a day? And anyrecommended food for each meal such as breakfast, Morning Tea, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, Dinner and Night Tea, etc.
What would you recommend guys?
well,whyte one more thing...get over yourself and stop taking yourself so serious...that helps too. Kinda calming, if you get my drift.
UK, don;t know anything about carbs and all that stuff..i just eat what feels right...and if I eat wrong, I gain weight and then go back to the routine and all is well. :)
nomerci on a a very low carb diet at the moment worked for the weekdays then the weekend, barbies and the drinks.. I need to go and walk those off soon..:)
not that I know of....
Absolutely my thoughts nomerci. Solid alu parathas and lassi served with love will get him to change his whole wardrobe every six months
lol nomerci, isn't there any other way :-P
whyte, get married and that will change...lol
I can't put on weight no matter what I eat :(
brakfast :cup of coffee and a cig. (what the heck is morning tea???)
Lunch : salad or soup or small sandwich(what is afternoon tea???)
Dinner :steak, salad, jacket potato or rice etc. (chicken or any other meat is ok too) Switch that with pasta,or some other things you like.
There,that is what you should eat. ;)
Eat a lot if you are eating for others. Eat in moderation if you are eating for yourself.
dont do solids - just liquids, preferably alcohol and watch them pounds fall off...if not you will be too drunk to care..wala!
blue, just eat in moderation and exercise........so stop going to those "all you can eat" buffets.