What is it like to live in West Bay?

We have just returned to the UK from a 24 hr trip to Doha with the prospect of moving there very soon. West Bay is close to where my husband needs to do business. We have a 20 month old daughter and a 16 year old son who will join us for his A levels next year as well as visiting sons who are at Uni. It seems very much under construction, away from everything and not a lot of people living there. Can anyone give advice? Is there a better place to live in Doha?
There are several areas of west bay! it is one of the older more established areas, and central for the office towers opposite the city centre, shopping and hotels.There are many good nurserys for your youngest although be very careful with your a level child, as u.k curriculum varies vastly. Make sure your husbands job includes the housing allowance you will need at least 15,ooo qr a month to live in a villa in west bay, and make sure you also get school fees for your eldest as they will run into 40-50,000 qr per year. West bay has many appartment blocks as for the zig zag i understand there not finished and quite small, small children cum with a lot of baggage and a tower block with little to no outside space for your youngest to play in the cooler months may be a problem, as could the noise of your neighbours.
anyway regards from a brit whos been in qatar several years with young children, in a villa in West Bay xx
Accommodation is the most expensive in this area of Doha, but generally the best. If your husband is going to be doing business in West Bay then it would be ideal I suppose for him! You should also think about where your son will be going to school too.
I have actually seen a few properties advertised in the zig zag towers though that seem to be below the west bay "market rate" so might be worth while having a look at that. (Zig Zag towers are next to the ritz carlton hotel..)
If you can afford the accomodation that Area, it is probably one of the better places to live in Doha, no doubt.